Wednesday, January 23, 2008

that says a lot about spain.

so on sunday i went to the alhambra and it was totally awesome. i really wish i could have been there in the 15th century, before the christians took over, when it was even more gorgeous and colorful and full of people and basically the epitome of luxury. alas, i'll have to settle for seeing it again in the spring when the flowers are in bloom and it's even warmer than it is now! ¿que lastima, no? we spent about 4 hours there and i took over 200 pictures, but there's so much to see. i'm very lucky to have the chance to go more than once.

i am basically in love with jamon serrano, which is very thinly sliced ham, generally served in a bocadilla (sandwich) with some cheese. tonight i went to tapas with some girls after class, to a bar that serves brie and miel (brie cheese and honey). it was so yummy! the only trouble with tapas is i always want MORE, but they give you just enough for one per person per drink. they're all just so delicious! i'm excited to share the best places with the people who are going to come to visit me.

incidentally, if you give me your address, you'll get a postcard in return. i also enjoy receiving small bits of mail from time to time, so i'll post my address one more time!

Ashley Miller
c/o Elvira Fajardo Maíquez
Emperatriz Eugenia 10-5ºB
Granada 18002 SPAIN

if you want to post your address in a comment, go for it, or email me directly ( or any of the many other ways to contact me. i miss everyone back home a whole lot, and i think of everyone very often, but i'm also having such a fun time here. i'm glad of that, because sometimes it takes me a long time to get settled in a place, but here fits very well so far. i signed up for yoga today! and this is our last week of intensive classes. we have a week of traveling, and then the real classes start. i'm taking islamic culture in spain, the political system of the EU and spain, history of spain from franco to present, hispoamericano literature, and a speaking and writing grammar type class. it's kind of going to be really busy, i think, but good. busy is good. and i hope to soon begin meeting more spaniards and maybe making friends with them. my spanish isn't as great as i'd like it to be, so i feel ok talking to americans, but i'm kind of intimidated to speak with locals as much. tenga confianzia, have confidence. anyway, it's almost 10 which means it's almost dinner time! woot! ¡LA PAZ!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I <3 your blog! I am glad you are having fun, it has been great to read about!!! xoxo K